House in Nowa Górka
"The house emanates harmony with the surrounding nature, and this harmony transferred to the function gave the syntax of its interior such that the ease and simplicity of life in it seems obvious. This is the life that the Investor dreamed of in this house. "
SARP 2016 Award Jury's quotation

Gross building area
Building services
232 m2
Paweł Nowak, Bartosz Dąbrowski
Bartosz Jaskólski
Anna B. Gregorczyk, Krzysztof Ślachciak
House was awarded honorable mention in prestigious SARP 2016 Award.

The owners of this house is a mature marriage whose four children have just moved out of an old, large family home. In order to avoid architectural obstacles, we decided to have a one-storey layout without any thresholds or stairs. The new home was supposed to be as small and compact as possible, making it energy efficient and economical.

House and garage are located in central part of the plot. Layout of two perpendicularly located buildings is a reference to typical rural development. House is located in such a way to provide the best sun exposure and best possible views from the inside.

Due to the unique surrounding, our goal was to maximally open central part of home. Two large sliding windows makes it possible to make the garden an additional living space of the house. Two terraces, one always sunny, the other shady give comfort at all time of the year. Sliding shutters provide a sense of intimacy. In summer, opened windows and closed shutters, create a nice shaded space that is naturally ventilated by the space between the wooden posts. All the windows in the house were carefully arranged so that the view from them was as magnificent as possible. The wooden internal window frames additionally crop the image. Window sills at the seat height serve as benches.